Items tagged with: ux
#opensource #foss #icons #alternatives #fontawesome #graphics #ui #ux
Phosphor Icons
A flexible icon family for interfaces, diagrams, presentations — whatever, really.Phosphor Icons
#a11y #UX
Accessibility for designer: where do I start? by Stéphanie Walter - UX Researcher & Designer.
A big list of resources, articles, blog posts, and checklists to help you, designers, get started on your “building more accessible products” journey.Stéphanie Walter (Stéphanie Walter - Senior UX Designer, Mobile Expert, Conference Speaker, Blog writer and Teacher.)
Update: moved this to my new writing site so there’s a new URL.
Every hashtag on every post on every platform should ALWAYS be pascal case. I wrote this to illustrate how screenreaders read hashtags based on their case.
It’s a small thing that all of us can do to build a more inclusive, accessible internet for all. Please take the time to use pascal case.
Read more:
#Accessibility #WebAccessibility #Usability #Readability #Hashtags #SocialNetworking #Blogging #UX
Fly-Pie 10: A new Clipboard Menu, proper touch support & much more! – YouTube
Impressive. Really impressive.Paolo Redaelli