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Items tagged with: python

The Spatial Data Science Across Languages event was very thought provoking!

Recapped some of my lessons and thoughts here:
#rstats #python #julia #spatial #gis

Using CSV File as data storage and access
Thanks adamchainz!

You can use “CSV” table storage in (at least) these database backends:

SQLite: 42

MySQL/MariaDB via the “CSV” storage engine: 15 . Or MariaDB via the CONNECT storage engine: 1
#Django #Python #Tricks

New blog post: geographic data analysis in #R and #Python

#SpatialDataScience #Geospatial #GISChat

New #geocompx blog post on Geographic Data Analysis in #RStats and #Python. The first time equivalent code for reading, plotting, and analysing geographic vector data in these two popular #DataScience languages are provided side-by-side 🚀

Road to the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin v.8 for @qgis Renewed interface with tools to manage band sets, perform band calculation, create #Python scripts with Remotior Sensus and integration with #QGIS Processing tools

What can #R, #Python, and #Julia development communities do to help combat the #climatecrisis?

Let's explore solutions, together with leading experts Anita Graser 🌻 from AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Edzer Pebesma from Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Maarten Pronk from Deltares, Lorena Abad Crespo from Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg and Tomislav Hengl. Join this interactive discussion, ask us your questions, and answer ours online #Slido.

The new #LocatePress book "Earth Engine & Geemap - Geospatial data science with Python" by @giswqs has arrived! Looking forward to learn great stuff! #gee #Geemap #Python #GIS #DataScience

#PyQGIS always seems to save the day - this morning it was updating unnamed fields in a vector layer to have more descriptive metadata accurate fieldnames🗺️ #QGIS #GIS #Python #GISChat

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