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Items tagged with: surveillanceCapitalism

💥 Persone a #Bologna! 👀

Oggi alle 18:30 a #Làbas terrò un #lab come anteprima di #ReclaimTheTech 2024! 💕

💡 La Nostra Rete è un #laboratorio per scoprire e ripensare il #Web nella sua dimensione profondamente sociale.

Attraverso esperimenti e racconti, intraprenderemo un viaggio nella storia di #Internet, immaginando insieme un futuro digitale partecipato e orizzontale, ovviamente partendo dal #Fediverso! 🚀

Sarei felice se mi aiutaste a far girare (siamo un po’ in ritardo, belin)!

#LaNostraRete #workshop #SurveillanceCapitalism #PaulBaran #Baran #InternetHistory #Bolo #RTT #RTT2024 #RTT24 #Sociologia #SociologiaDigitale

cc: @victorvandort @chiaraepoi @Bida @reclaimthetech @gubi @kenobit @filippodb @devol

Facebook “gave Netflix and Spotify the ability to read Facebook users’ private messages.”

But, yes, please, do federate with them Because senpai noticed you.

#meta #facebook #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming #mastodonSocial #mastodon #usefulIdiots

The W3C publishing ethical web principles is like OPEC publishing ethical climate principles.

Who are the members of the W3C?

Facebook (Meta),

The W3C is the standards body of surveillance capitalism.

Ethical principles? W3C? Don’t make me laugh!

If they had any ethics they’d have expelled their most prominent members starting with Google and Facebook.

#w3c #BigWeb #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming #ethics #PR

Zoom is a horrifying company with a long history of causing mayhem and exposing their users to different types of extreme risks, from serving Israel (denying Palestine groups use of Zoom) to installing a web server on Macs that had Zoom installed (which *Apple* had to remove).

Now, they've updated their terms of service to allow training of AI on user content; one can't opt out of this.

Don't user Zoom. Use Jitsi Meet or Matrix or other stable, free, and open-sourced solutions.

Zoom Terms of Service:

#zoom #SurveillanceCapitalism

Repeat a 1,000 times: #Google is an #advertising moloch and #Chrome browser monopolist, NOT your friendly free service provider!

Google is about to smack down on the #OpenWeb, killing it with their so-called "Web Environment Integrity API" #DRM proposal.

"Wanna watch those #Netflix or #Youtube vids? Better have Chrome without #AdBlocker then"

"Here's plenty #ads. Now hand over your #PII so we can grow our #SurveillanceCapitalism empire"

#GiveUpGoogle #DitchChrome

A web server has zero (say it with me, “zero”) right to compel any client to reveal information about itself.

Unless we inscribe this as a fundamental and immutable tenet of the web, the web as we know it will cease to exist once some version of Google’s Web Environment Integrity proposal makes it past the corporate lackeys at the W3C.

#WebEnvironmentIntegrity #web #DRM #SurveillanceCapitalism #PeopleFarming #SiliconValley #Google #adtech #privacy #w3c #standards

Wow, people are formatting #ContraChrome into little zines and sharing them around their university campuses! 🤩

So nice to see it’s circulating!

(If you want to get in on the fun, you can get all the files to print and modify it yourself here: )

#Chrome #comics #privacy #Google #comic #webcomic #SurveillanceCapitalism #infosec

#Google surveillance detector (
è un'estensione per #Chrome che mostra per ogni pagina web quali servizi di Google raccolgono i nostri dati

Ovviamente i risultati sono impressionanti: più dell'80% delle pagine invia dati a Google

Proprio per questo è uno strumento molto utile per mostrare e dimostrare l'estensione della sorveglianza: quando le cose si vedono, si capiscono

#GAFAM #surveillancecapitalism #digitalrights #privacy

@devol @leah

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