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Items tagged with: python

Jupyter + Quarto = easy scientific and technical publishing!

At #JupyterCon, J.J. Allaire shared how the two work together to easily create and share the output format (HTML, PDF, Microsoft Word, reveal.js) and the styling you need for any situation.

There are so many features that make scientific and technical publishing an actual joy. Check out his talk to hear more! #Python #Quarto

Django LiveView: Framework for creating Realtime SPAs using HTML over the Wire technology

New video: Install #Mamba and create a #Python environment with #QGIS and #PCRaster.

The new #QGIS :qgis: changelog video is up: tons of exciting features in different areas and for a variety of use cases, including editing and #cad like construction, #pointcloud, #python :python: console, processing toolbox, print layouts 🗺, and more

#gischat #osgeo #gis #geospatial

Version 1.3.7 of your favorite #python #gis raster data package is here:

It fixes an off-by-one bug with major impact: the previous #rasterio version was confused about uint64 and int64 data types.

I use #osgeo's #gdal #python bindings throughout my #django app, but hope to transition to #rasterio. I've read you really need to pick one or the other because the underlying GDAL C lib objects get handled differently by each python lib. However, I'm hoping I could write and run some management commands/celery tasks that use rasterio while leaving the rest of the app to use osgeo.gdal for now. Anyone have experience with gotchyas in this environment?

"Analytical environments" by @rsbivand

This article describes environments for handling spatial data in #rstats and #python, and how they evolved in the last 20 years.

Read it at

Highly recommended.

#rspatial #geopython

Grab the Python programming bundle by No Starch Press.

Part of the proceeds go towards the Python Software Foundation!

⏱️ Ends on 22 May.
💸 $1 or more.

#python #programming

Quarto v1.3 is out now! So many awesome features...!

▻ Code annotation
▻ Jupyter Notebook cell embedding
▻ Publish Quarto to Confluence
▻ Multi-format publishing for additional formats in HTML documents

Available here:

#QuartoPub #Quarto #RStats #Jupyter #Python

Excellent summary of #QGISUC23 #qgisconf by @spatialthoughts

Don't miss out on his great #qgis #python actions tips and tricks

#gischat #osgeo #pyqgis

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