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Items tagged with: BBC

this was the best essay I have ever read on the failures and miseries of the #British secret services: beautifully written by #AdamCurtis for the #BBC.
Unclear why it is no longer available:

After considering #jail for #journos publishing *illegally obtained* info,#Meloni's zealots calls for disciplinary procedure against Italian reporters at #Fanpage for going #undercover to expose #fascists.

Undercover journalism is legit.
See #BBC:

Ma sì, facciano un esposto all' #OrdineDeiGiornalisti per inchiesta #SottoCopertura di #Fanpage, così facciamo la solita bella figura internazionale, visto che giornalismo #Sottocopertura si fa in tutto il mondo civilizzato, dalla #BBC al mitico #GuenterWallraft

Dopo ipotesi mandare in #galera i #giornalisti che pubblicano notizie *frutto di reato* i #neofascisti sferrano nuovi attacchi al #giornalismo per lavoro #SottoCopertura di #Fanpage.Giornalismo #Sottocopertura è praticato in tutto il mondo.
Qui #BBC:

1. "Here is the news.
It's dominated by a tremendous achievement of allied scientists - the production of the #AtomicBomb.One has already been dropped on a Japanese #ArmyBase"

This are the words used by #BBC on August 6, 1945, 9 PM, to announce the atomic bombing of #Hiroshima

1. "Here is the news.
It's dominated by a tremendous achievement of allied scientists - the production of the #AtomicBomb.One has already been dropped on a Japanese #Army Base"

Queste le parole con cui #BBC il 6 agosto 1945 alle nove di sera annunciò bombardamento #Hiroshima

To give you a measure of how #BBC & #UK media failed Julian #Assange: it took an #ITALIAN journalist to fight a #UKFOIA case on #Assange and #WikiLeaks to unearth key facts such as the destruction of key documents by #CrownProsecutionService.

Isn't this suspicious?


Glad to see the tragic news about #Navalny featured prominently on #BBC and #UK media.
Sad I've NEVER seen the same outrage for the treatment of Julian #Assange,though even this morning @EFJEUROPE Ricardo Gutierrez, tweeted the list below: #Assange=the ONLY journalist imprisoned by @EFJEurope

read this list tweeted by @EFJEurope Ricardo Gutierrez:
131 journalists are in prison in #Europe,incarcerated by
There's just ONE in prison in the #UK: #Assange
Have you ever heard #BBC/US-UK top media expressing outrage?

certo non è un onore per #UK essere nel club con dittature come #Turchia. Ma voi avete mai sentito la #BBC o il grande giornalismo anglosassone #UK e #US dire con indignazione: è uno scandalo che teniamo in carcere un giornalista. Io MAI sentiti

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