Items tagged with: bbc
this was the best essay I have ever read on the failures and miseries of the #British secret services: beautifully written by #AdamCurtis for the #BBC.
Unclear why it is no longer available:
After considering #jail for #journos publishing *illegally obtained* info,#Meloni's zealots calls for disciplinary procedure against Italian reporters at #Fanpage for going #undercover to expose #fascists.
Undercover journalism is legit.
See #BBC:
ADHD: Private clinics exposed by BBC undercover investigation
An undercover journalist for Panorama is diagnosed and given drugs without proper checks.Panorama team (BBC News)
Ma sì, facciano un esposto all' #OrdineDeiGiornalisti per inchiesta #SottoCopertura di #Fanpage, così facciamo la solita bella figura internazionale, visto che giornalismo #Sottocopertura si fa in tutto il mondo civilizzato, dalla #BBC al mitico #GuenterWallraft
The German who sheltered Salman Rushdie
He exposed Germany's racism problem in the 80s and offered refuge to Salman Rushdie in the 90s. Germany's most famous investigative journalist turns 80.Christine Lehnen (Deutsche Welle)
Dopo ipotesi mandare in #galera i #giornalisti che pubblicano notizie *frutto di reato* i #neofascisti sferrano nuovi attacchi al #giornalismo per lavoro #SottoCopertura di #Fanpage.Giornalismo #Sottocopertura è praticato in tutto il mondo.
Qui #BBC:
ADHD: Private clinics exposed by BBC undercover investigation
An undercover journalist for Panorama is diagnosed and given drugs without proper checks.Panorama team (BBC News)
It's dominated by a tremendous achievement of allied scientists - the production of the #AtomicBomb.One has already been dropped on a Japanese #ArmyBase"
This are the words used by #BBC on August 6, 1945, 9 PM, to announce the atomic bombing of #Hiroshima
It's dominated by a tremendous achievement of allied scientists - the production of the #AtomicBomb.One has already been dropped on a Japanese #Army Base"
Queste le parole con cui #BBC il 6 agosto 1945 alle nove di sera annunciò bombardamento #Hiroshima
Isn't this suspicious?
Judge orders the Crown Prosecution Service to come clean about the destruction of key documents on Julian…
After years of running up against a brick wall, the first crack has appeared with the latest ruling on our FOIA case issued by Judge O'Connor.Stefania Maurizi (Il Fatto Quotidiano)