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Items tagged with: DNS

La stragrande maggioranza delle persone usa internet ma non conosce i concetti di #indirizzoip, #dns, #server eccetera… 😱😭
@verolinux @lgsp

Che c'è una vecchia #sentenza che se ben ricordo obbliga i #DNS dei fornitori di accesso a non risolvere (i.e. dare come inesistente). Vedi

A lot of work has been done this week on, both on the infrastructure and on the site, which has been updated. #DNS #DoH #DoT
#dns #doh #dot

#Italy's #Piracy Shield #antipiracy System Launches, Applies To All #DNS and #VPN Providers - Slashdot
Ettepareva! 🤬
È giunto il tempo di farsi il proprio DNS!

Tiens, le DNS de CloudFlare n'est plus neutre. C'est désormais un DNS menteur. Mais pas pour les bonnes raisons (comme bloquer les traqueurs ou la publicité).


Sembra che la censura (a livello #dns) di @gutenberg_org sia stata rimossa!

Faire attention aux noms de domaine dans l'URL.

Marrant, une personne dans l'assistance estime que est dangereux car « n'existe pas ». (La littératie numérique, ce combat.)

Les autres cas sont plus classiques (,…)

#EntréeLibre3 #DNS

Knot DNS
I've just read the interesing "Replace PowerDNS by Knot DNS and Knot Resolver+supervisor with DNSSEC, DNS over TLS and domain name spoofing" from ....

I didn't knew KnotDNS. It may be a wiser choice than MaraDNS

Replace PowerDNS by Knot DNS and Knot Resolver+supervisor with DNSSEC, DNS over TLS and domain name spoofing
February 11, 2023 yeupou1 Comment

I was considering using Knot DNS since
#Software #SoftwareLibero #DNS

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