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Items tagged with: server

La stragrande maggioranza delle persone usa internet ma non conosce i concetti di #indirizzoip, #dns, #server eccetera… 😱😭
@verolinux @lgsp

Guida introduttiva ad #XMPP in Italiano e manuale operativo installazione #Snikket #server:
Per chi volesse consultare il PDF originale, è disponibile al download qui:
Grazie a Federico!

#selfhosting #decentralize #Linux #Debian

See fediverse/delightful-fediverse-apps: A curated list of #server applications with support for the #ActivityPub protocol (#Fediverse network) and related standards.

Now I have a problem of too much choices!

#logiciellibre #server

Clients :
Installer votre propre serveur à domicile sur une machine peu énergivore pour remplacer les solutions des GAFAM par des solutions Libres et auto-hébergées, c'est possible, même si vous n'y connaissez rien, avec le collectif Librezo :

Prestataires :
Vous êtes libriste et vous voulez promouvoir le logiciel libre ? Rejoignez le collectif et devenez prestataire, l'union fait la force !

#ubuntu sarà #snap centrica perché (come quasi tutte le grosse aziende) hanno la sindrome non inventato qui, perché hanno paura di perdere il controllo. Curioso, visto che a loro volta nascono come congelamento semestrale di #Debian #unstable.
#EndlessOS è in giro dal 2017. Potevano riprendere quella. Oppure come dicono altrove mirano esclusivamente al mercato #server che è dove girano i ciccioli, i danari, i talleri, gli sghei 😁 e come dargli torto!

UNVT Portable - Portable MapServers For Disaster Response
" ‘UNVT Portable’ is a package for RaspberryPi that functions as a map hosting server and can be freely accessed from a web browser within a local network.
It is mainly intended to function in an offline environment during times of severe disaster, and is expected to play an active role... where disaster response headquarters are set up to assess the situation and respond to disasters by combining aerial drone images taken after a disaster occurs with OpenStreetMap and various open data tile data sets prepared in advance…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #gischat #portable #mapserver #raspberrypi #raspberry #hosting #server #webbrowser #localnetwork #onsite #disasterresponse #hardware #solution #opensource #openformat #responsecenter #disasterresponsecenter #headquarters #readyresponse #mobile #mobileoffice #emergencyresponse #emergencymanagement #emergencypreparedness #risk #hazard #onlinemapping

About to start benchmarking this beast. Most expensive #server we've ever bought #gpu

FreedomBox 23.6 has been released and uploaded to Debian unstable. This release contains several small bugfixes. Since the hard freeze for the next Debian release has started, the freedombox package will migrate to testing in 20 days, and then can be uploaded to stable-backports.


#FreedomBox #Release #Server

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