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Items tagged with: freeAssange

My first thought after that is a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who participated, in the light or in the shade, to make this happen!

We were legion, tirelessly pleading for his case, experimenting, publishing, protesting, shouting, arguing for his memory to remain vivid, for History to be written the right way.

THANK YOU! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (you know who you are ;) )

#FreeAssange #AssangeFree

Ceci étant dit, mes premières pensées sont un IMMENSE MERCI á toustes celleux qui ont participé, dans l'ombre ou dans la lumière, á rendre cela possible!

Nous avons été légion, nous exprimant, epérimentant, publiant, manifestant, hurlant, argumentant sans relâche pour que sa mémoire demeure vive, que l'Histoire soit écrite correctement.

MERCI!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (vous vous reconnaîtrez ;)) )

#FreeAssange #AssangeFree

Hillary Clinton and various US politicians proclaimed #Assange should be murdered. He was targeted for assassination by the CIA. He exposed American war crimes, perfidy, and the extent every US government goes to lie to the public and undermine the "rules based world". #FreeAssange #journalism #legal #Australia #UKpoli #USpoli #liberty #PressFreedom #JulianAssange

Julian Assange on his way to the Mariana Islands, a US North Pacific Territory. Julian has done a plea bargain, will plead guilty of one felony charge of Espionage. Will likely get a sentence that matches time spent in Belmarsh Prison. Hopefully will be back in Australia free in a few days.
This couldn’t have happened without so many people who joined #freeAssange campaign for #justice.
#JulianAssange #Assange

Ricorso fondato, la giustizia britannica dà una chance ad #Assange

La decisione straordinaria* sarà impugnata per la discriminazione che dovrà affrontare non essendo cittadino degli Stati Uniti e quindi non beneficiando della protezione offerta dal primo emendamento.

Il verdetto non entra nel merito del ricorso.

"Gli avvocati hanno tempo fino alle 2 del 24 maggio per presentare una descrizione concordata del caso."



#Assange leave for appeal *partially* granted.

Extradition decision *will* be appealed, but only on a few, selected grounds (# 4, 5) ie. discrimination he would face by not being a US citizen, and therefore not benefiting from the protection offered by the first amendment.

"The lawyers have until 2 pm on 24th May to file an agreed case outline.".

Beyond the boring and torturous UK judicial process, this decision acknowledges #FreeAssange case IS about freedom of speech.

#Roma #Milano e #Napoli in orari diversi si mobilitano DOMANI 26/3, giorno in cui l’Alta Corte a Londra deciderà se estradare Julian o accettare almeno in parte i punti presentati in appello dalla difesa il 20 e 21

Controllate gli orari nelle locandine delle diverse città !!

The #HighCourt hearing on Julian #Assange is over. No date set for the judgement and in the meantime, he remains in prison.

Shame on those who put journalists in prison, shame on those who are afraid of the truth.

#freeassange #freeassangenow #DayX

📢 So PLEASE: make some NOISE about the #Assange / #WikiLeaks :wikileaks: case!

📖 Read and share the two excellent books by N. Melzer:
and S. Maurizi:
(they exist in several languages, please buy a copy to support them if you can)

📽️ Watch and share excellent videos and documentaries about the case:

✊ And remember that freedom to publish is more than ever *our* collective freedom.

#FreeAssange #FreeAssangeNOW


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