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Items tagged with: pinephonepro

@dino 0.4.3 just got released with some exciting improvements for #LinuxMobile

1. Several fixes for touch input, making audio/video calls actually usable on phones
2. Fixes for video support so devices with #libcamera / #pipewire support like the #PinePhonePro work now
3. The app is now recognized as mobile friendly on #Phosh
4. Stricter #Flatpak sandbox - no device/all any more

The new version is available on #Flathub and lots of distro repos.

#GNOME #xmpp #Jabber

And just to reiterate, we need help from as many people as possible to make Linux's mobile advancements easily visible and inspiring to all, so please, boost, boost, boost the post above!

Also, more hashtags to help reach more of you beautiful nerds across this wide ol' fediverse 😉 :

#DanctNIX #PinePhonePro #PlasmaMobile #PlaMo #Kirigami #GnomeMobile #MauiKit #Maui #MauiShell #SXMO #NemoMobile #PineTab #Angelfish #Megapixels #Millipixels

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