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Items tagged with: education

QGIS Tutorials, Self-Learning
-- <-- links to a large variety of tutorial videos
“Short, straight-to-the-point videos about how to do things in QGIS (the world's most popular GIS software) - plus a few longer tutorials, and maybe other related software occasionally. [The author has] put these together in the hope that they save someone a little bit of time, energy and frustration!...”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #opensource #QGIS #training #onlinetraining #selflearning #freetraining #videotutorial #ongoingeducation #continuingeducation #continuouslearning #gischat #GISsoftware #education #learningopportunity

#PLEASE PLEASE, #schools and #faculty, stop "teaching" #Adobe #Photoshop, #GoogleDocs, #Microsoft #Windows, #Zoom, and other commercial software applications.

You're not providing #students an #education, your providing companies customers.

We never taught Smith-Corona, or Turbo TS40, or Ford Tempo. We taught, respectively, typing, wood shop, and student driving. We should teach word processing, computer technology, and communications.

#K12 #Teaching #HigherEd #EdTech

On 23 February we will host an online seminar dedicated to the persecution of Roma & Sinti, the history of the so-called Zigeunerlager at Auschwitz II-Birkenau, and the contemporary contexts of functioning of Roma communities.

Details & registration:,1602.html

#Auschwitz #Birkenau #Zigeunerlager #history #histodons @histodons #Roma #Sinti #Gypsies #genocide #education #seminar #online #Nazis #ww2

#Education #Scuola #MyBooks @histodon @histodons

Nel mio volume "Scuola e politica negli Stati Uniti", uscito quest'anno, cerco di offrire un quadro sintetico e agile degli ultimi 40 anni di politica scolastica USA, dando coordinate di base per inquadrare un panorama molto complesso e articolato, di cui in Italia si parla (e a cui ci si ispira) sempre più spesso, ma acriticamente e senza la necessaria consapevolezza.
Riassumo qualcosa in un THREAD 👇

Inizia oggi a # il 1st International Congress on Democratic Digital Education and Open Edtech, la diretta streaming degli interventi si può seguire qui: É su youtube, ma pazienza :( L'incontro è organizzato anche da # # # # # @scuola@paolo@informapirata@mcp_@quinta@wikimediaitalia@opensource@framaka@Framasoft

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