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Items tagged with: maps

Neat maps of #AsianFood in the US from Pew Research Center:

via FlowingData newsletter (Nathan Yau) and Pew study authors Sono Shah and Regina Widjaya (none of whom are on Mastodon)

#DataViz #Cartography #maps #visualization

Bringing #QGIS maps into #Jupyter #notebooks

Reached the end of the line with your #GeoPandas plots? Replace them with maps rendered by QGIS.

#maps #GISChat #DataScience #SpatialDataScience #DataViz #GIS

A massive amount of data must have gone into this beautiful website: “The Bird Migration Eplorer” – you can click on the map to pick a migration path or search for species/locations to watch a migration map animated through the year.

#ornithology #dataviz #maps

I've been enjoying the #30DayMapChallenge posts. I don't have time to take part every day, but thought I'd have a go at the 'Bad Map' prompt (I know, I'm a day late...!)

Anyway, here's my bad map titled 'All the Scots in Scotland' which shows all places with 'scot' in their name. And yes, I have used Irn Bru colours, what's your problem? 😉

Data came from #OpenStreetMap Made in #QGIS and #inkscape

#Scotland #maps #irnbru

🌎 #30DAyMapChallenge 2023 #day2 - #Lines
NewYork data from USDA NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway. Made with {topo.ridges} packages
Tools: #R
#rstats #datascience #Datavisualization #maps #infographics

Switzerland, as seen in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence

You can spot the Geneva lake among others.

The "Hall of Geographical #Maps" represent the world as it was known in the mid-16th century.

South Up Equal Earth Projection in R

Yup - I'm still banging on about this! This time, in R


The colours are wrong, and the labels need adjustment - but not bad for a few lines of code!




#/etc/ #maps

#maps #etc

Holy shit I think I’m in love.

#Protomaps, a way to serve vector #maps of the entire world using a single static file and HTTP range requests.

It’s basically a static site generator for interactive maps. Tile servers are pretty much obsolete now. No database needed, you can run your interactive, smooth-zooming vector map from any HTTP storage. S3, Caddy running on your Wi-Fi router, even GitHub pages.

It’s open source & free to use. Wow. 🤯


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