Items tagged with: geoviz
Cartography, geovisualization and visual aspects of GIS
#Cartography #Maps #Geoviz #QGIS #OpenStreetMap
#Cartography #Maps #Geoviz #QGIS #OpenStreetMap
I spent waaay too much time on this 🙈:
A curated list of Mastodon accounts to follow if you're interested in #cartography, #maps, #geoviz'ualisation, visual aspects of #GIS and #geography etc. – 172 active accounts as of today!
Maybe a good way to get your feed going if you are #newhere…
Let me know if you want to be included/removed or feel misrepresented. #gischat
A curated list of Mastodon accounts to follow if you're interested in #cartography, #maps, #geoviz'ualisation, visual aspects of #GIS and #geography etc. – 172 active accounts as of today!
Maybe a good way to get your feed going if you are #newhere…
Let me know if you want to be included/removed or feel misrepresented. #gischat