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Items tagged with: Agriculture

#Agriculture #Milice #extrêmeDroite #Capitalisme

Coordination Rurale : faux syndicat agricole, vraie milice fasciste

La Coordination Rurale, c’est le syndicat qui était en première ligne lors de la colère agricole au début de l’année. Le syndicat qui passait à la télé et recevait le soutien de la classe politique pendant qu’il dévastait des préfecture. Le syndicat qui a capté toute l’attention et confisqué une cause juste, la détresse paysanne, pour se faire de la pub.,..

Say hello to our 2022 Crop Inventory Map of the Yukon Territory! #cropmap22

Our 1st map of agriculture & the surrounding landcover in the area, & oh my was it a challenge!

From Dawson City, to Tagish, Whitehorse & Haines Junction & all free to download

With the completion of our 2022 map of #Yukon #agriculture, here is #cropmap22 in its entirety.

No need to clear new land for solar power. Panels can coexist with agriculture, and even help it since many crops thrive in partial shade and/or benefit from water retention under the panels.

“Maize is grown by about 50% of farmers in Tanzania. Maize is also a sun loving plant. So the fact that we had an 11% yield increase in maize [under solar panel arrays] is a phenomenal result,” he said.

#solar #renewables #agriculture

Double your downloads, double your fun!

2022 Crop Inventory maps for both Saskatchewan & Manitoba are done. #SKAg #MBAg #WestCdnAg

Keen observers will note class 130 in our MB map (periwinkle colour). 130 shows our 'too wet to seed' class.

#CdnAg #cropmap22 #earthobservation #remotesensing #geomatics #agriculture

#Fentanyl traffic and the hollowing out of rural communities dependent on opium poppy production. #mexico #agriculture

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