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Items tagged with: python

Oh hm now I wish I could do #CRTP in #Python. I guess I've been ruined by C++ forever.


Anyway, I've now completed a full “solitaire” game of the #Python reimplementation of my #Ruby #IRC #bot #Machiavelli plugin (hashtag galore yeah), so I believe the logic itself to be robust enough. The next step would be to start interfacing it with Mastodon. One thing that worries me is that the table can get rather largish, which may trip the character limit.

So I've started porting my #Machiavelli #Ruby #IRC #bot #plugin (how's that for hashtags, uh?) to #Python, which has been a rather frustrating experience so far. I'm much more comfortable with Ruby than Python, but the languages are similar enough that the differences fall into that grating #uncannyValley experience. Also lots of bugs due to syntactical and behavioral differences (e.g. index() raising an exception instead of returning the null type). But things are moving forward.

Meanwhile I've discovered @halcy has written a #Python library for interfacing with Mastodon
that looks like a *much* better fit for writing the bot, especially since it supports the streaming API which is rather essential in this case. So I'm guessing it's time to start porting my #Ruby code to Python …

I've been thinking that something like @ihabunek `toot` could work as a basis for the bot. I haven't checked yet if it can be used as a #Python library, but worst case scenario I can probably shell out to it and use it literally as just I would any other CLI tool (bonus: I wouldn't have to port the #Ruby code of my #Machiavelli #IRC‌ #bot to Python 8-D).

Noob or “just” oldish?
Young Jedi Anmol Tomar, your pythoninc knowledge lacks historical viewpoint. List Comprehensions were the Python Enhancement Proposals( PEP) 202.

In fact Anmol Tomar wrote on "9 Python Mistakes That Reveal You’re a Nooby! Move away from noob status!". Too bad he want to be read only by people in medium walled garden. The fist is readable:

1. Neglecting Pythonic Idioms

Hello, I'm an environmental engineer, PhD, focused on #remotesensing and #gis .
Developer of the open source "Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin" ( for #QGIS and "Remotior Sensus" ( package for #python

The Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin for #qgis will be released in October 2023.

This new version will improve the capabilities of Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin, based on a completely new #python processing framework that is Remotior Sensus, developed for image classification such as #landsat #sentinel2 , #machinelearning and #gis spatial analyses.

Global Forecast System surface temperature data animation using #python and #gimp. I could've worked more on learning animation in Python but my goal was to understand how to work with NetCDF data. The funny thing is I could have made this animation in a couple minutes in #qgis but it took me quite a bit longer to learn to code it instead. But we are enriched by the process right? Not the end result. Also, wth is up with uploads on Mastodon? I had a ton of trouble uploading this little gif...

The data visualisation guidance for the Royal Statistical Society that I've been working on over the past few months with Brian Tarran and Andreas Krause has now been published and is freely available online 🎉

If you're someone who makes charts, please have a look through the website (built with #QuartoPub) and let us know your thoughts. There are lots of examples of plots built with #RStats (and a few #Python ones as well)!

RSS press release link:

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