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Items tagged with: 30DayMapChallenge

Hexágonos para el día 9 de #30DayMapChallenge

Esta es otra manera de ver la distribución desigual de estaciones meteorológicas en Argentina. Y si bien el gráfico es simple, aprendí varias cosas hoy.

Código y detalles:


Día 9: Hexagons. 6 sides, 6 angles, and 6 vertices

Proyección cantidad de habitantes por hexágono (INDEC+IDE Pergamino) (r=200)

#OpenStreetMap #IDE #Pergamino

#30DayMapChallenge 🗺️ Day 8️⃣: #Africa 🌍

I decided to try something new and create my very first #bivariate #choropleth map! The two variables I’ve mapped for 52 African countries are the 2023 #WorldPressFreedomIndex scores by #ReportersWithoutBorders and the 2022 #HumanDevelopmentIndex by the UN Development Programme.

Unfortunately São Tomé and Príncipe didn’t have a WPFI score while there’s no HDI for Somalia. Of course Western Sahara had no data too.

#HDI #RSF #PressFreedom #WPFI


I've been enjoying the #30DayMapChallenge posts. I don't have time to take part every day, but thought I'd have a go at the 'Bad Map' prompt (I know, I'm a day late...!)

Anyway, here's my bad map titled 'All the Scots in Scotland' which shows all places with 'scot' in their name. And yes, I have used Irn Bru colours, what's your problem? 😉

Data came from #OpenStreetMap Made in #QGIS and #inkscape

#Scotland #maps #irnbru

Last quick catch-up for the #30DayMapChallenge. #Day4 #Polygons - Edinburgh and its golf courses.
Growing up I heard a stat that Edinburgh had more golf courses within the city limits than any other city in the world. I don't know if that is true but there certainly are a lot!

#30DayMapChallenge 🗺️ | Day 5 | Analog

some wavy sine curves of the U.S.A., admittedly a rather liberal interpretation of analog



Took the opportunity to look at OSM tags for barns and stables in Virginia. The number of stables in many counties is underrepresented. Looks like I'll need to help review some tags in my free time. 😀

#30DayMapChallenge #OpenStreetMap #Virginia #chloropleth #barns #stables #HorsesOfMastodon #Horsetodon #horse #equestrian #DMV

In a desperate attempt not to work on my thesis, I implemented clipping for filled contours.

Consider this my entry for days 1-3 for #30DayMapChallenge


#30DayMapChallenge Day 3 - Polygons

Centre of Edinburgh - OS Open Zoomstack polygon layers


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