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Items tagged with: inkscape

For those who can't afford commercial software, and for those who want full flexibility and extensibility and future-proofing the ability to open their own art work years from now, there's free open source software:

* #Krita: replaces Adobe Photoshop for editing and painting;

* #Inkscape: multi-page, replaces Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign; great for scientific figures and posters;

* #Gimp: image editor, with layers and transparencies; replaces Adobe Photoshop;

* #MyPaint: just for painting;

* #FijiSc: for image processing and image analysis, with conventional computer vision techniques and also machine learning. Handles multi-dimensional bioimagery.

* #Blender: for 3D animation and video editing;

* #ffmpeg: command-line based video editing; see this page for testing out commands.

I don't use anything else: there's no need. And all of the above are extensively documented.

#OpenSourceSoftware #OSS

I've been enjoying the #30DayMapChallenge posts. I don't have time to take part every day, but thought I'd have a go at the 'Bad Map' prompt (I know, I'm a day late...!)

Anyway, here's my bad map titled 'All the Scots in Scotland' which shows all places with 'scot' in their name. And yes, I have used Irn Bru colours, what's your problem? 😉

Data came from #OpenStreetMap Made in #QGIS and #inkscape

#Scotland #maps #irnbru

Buon compleanno Inkscape!!

20 anni fa, a Novembre nasceva uno dei più importati software di grafica vettoriale, un gioiello open source che è ovviamente presente anche con un accoun mastodon ufficiale:

:inkscape: @inkscape

qua il sito ufficiale:


#UnoOpen #inkscape #OpenSource #Graficavettoriale #software #mastodon

If you are drafting figures for a scientific paper or presentation, remember that exists: a repository of free SVG cartoons for science.

#SciDraw is supported by the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre.

All content on SciDraw is shared under creative commons license (CC-BY) unless stated otherwise.

#inkscape #SVG #science

#gischat I don't know why I'm coming up short on this - how can I make a map with some polygons separated like this? I'm currently trying it in #ArcGISpro but would be happy to execute it in #QGIS or #rspatial. I hope the answer isn't #Inkscape or similar, but I may go there.

Just discovered there is an extension of #Inkscape to quickly edit scientific figures (change axis ratio, font sizes, etc) 🤩

Inkscape users

If you want to see CMYK support, my friend Martin Owens @doctormo is working on Inkscape via Patreon donations.

Please boost for visibility. Having functional CMYK is vital for printed works made with #Inkscape.

Si vous avez envie d'apprendre à utiliser Inkscape, et réaliser de dessins scientifiques de qualité, j'organise une formation sur le sujet le samedi 15 avril au matin, en ligne.

(repouets appréciés !)

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