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Items tagged with: AI

Geographic considerations are largely missing from the ongoing #ethics & #sustainability in #AI discussion.

We've written up some thoughts to start this discussion:

... including a framework to evaluate models from several sustainability-related angles, including #EnergyEfficiency, #carbon intensity, #transparency, and #social implications

How do you approach questions of sustainability & #AIethics in your #GeoAI work?

#gischat #WomeninAIEthics

"Dovremmo resistere nel considerare l'intelligenza artificiale come qualcosa di neutrale e apolitico, perché non lo è."
L' #AI continua a perpetrare gli sterotipi del colonialismo in #Africa
Più che "IA - Artificiale" la definirei IF - Intelligenza Frattale, perché ripropone gli stessi #bias dell'essere umano.
cc: @quinta @laura @informapirata @sbarrax

Tomorrow at the University of Guanajuato, within the "Engineering Week" event, I will be presenting, as part of the Official QGIS Mexico User Group :qgis:, the #GIS :earth_photo: of the Government of #Guadalajara 🇲🇽 done in the last two years of work (Only the new developments)
Using #FOSS geospatial :osgeo:
#QGIS #Potree #PostGIS #Geoserver #Leaflet #OpenDroneMap #WebODM #WhiteboxTools #Lastools #CloudCompare #GeoSAM
For #LiDAR #webmapping #drones #photogrammetry #cadastral #survey #AI #mobility

6. file di #Snowden del 2013 mai pubblicati prima rivelano che #NSA ha compromesso i microprocessori dell'azienda #Cavium, che nel 2017 è stata acquistata dall'azienda #MarvellTechnology, una delle 2 aziende di microprocessori che domineranno mercato #AI:

#Publish&perish Yet another reason to stop evaluating research in a quantitative way #AI #SALAMI

#Publish&perish Yet another reason to stop evaluating research in a quantitative way #AI #SALAMI

Se spaccio uno strumento senza aver chiaro come funziona e il suo uso lede altri, la responsabilità si distribuisce fra me, lo strumento e chi lo usa. Vi torna? Per controllare provate a sostituire strumento con (1) "lavastoviglie" (2) #AI (#SALAMI) @brideshead

#TIL after reading @hrbrmstr newsletter (, about a #HuggingFace #AI-driven comic generator (, so I used the prompt: "Our #Data wrangler hero is about to fall asleep after a long day of battling bad data, when he senses a rogue dataset wildly entering the database bent on corrupting everything. He wields his powerful R and cuts the dataset into shape"

See the results below :-)

2023 Dutch general election - The FSFE asks parties to work on current themes such as artificial intelligence (AI) and digital commons:
Check out our demands:

#SoftwareFreedom #AI #policy #digitalrights #Netherlands #Elections2023

"If nine experts in #privacy can't understand what Microsoft does with your data, what chance does the average person have? That's why we're asking Microsoft to say if they're going to use our personal data to train its #AI."

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