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Items tagged with: lidar

Tomorrow at the University of Guanajuato, within the "Engineering Week" event, I will be presenting, as part of the Official QGIS Mexico User Group :qgis:, the #GIS :earth_photo: of the Government of #Guadalajara 🇲🇽 done in the last two years of work (Only the new developments)
Using #FOSS geospatial :osgeo:
#QGIS #Potree #PostGIS #Geoserver #Leaflet #OpenDroneMap #WebODM #WhiteboxTools #Lastools #CloudCompare #GeoSAM
For #LiDAR #webmapping #drones #photogrammetry #cadastral #survey #AI #mobility

@hbecerra starting the workshop on #lidar and #pointclouds in #qgis for the #eneg2023 event at CUCSH UdG, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

Gave a short presentation about ALS data and forest disturbances at #silvilaser23 conference yesterday.

Slides available at

You can also watch all presentations at

#lidar #ALS #quarto #revealjs

If, like me, you tried to process laz/las files (typically #lidar data) with #qgis under recent versions of ubuntu, you might have found out that ubuntu standard repos don't include pdal anymore.

I found a workaround by converting the files to copc using the conda version of pdal, then work with copc.

This morning I learned that there was a much better workaround, thanks to Martin Dobias on github: install qgis from the ubuntugis repos, as they include a pdal package.

I wrote a technical guide on how you can create your own aerial imagery and 3D models of streets with the built in iPhone LiDAR sensor and open source tools in the OpenDroneMap package.

I've found you can attach your iPhone to your bike and generate LiDAR point clouds of the kerb and cycleway infrastructure if you go slow!

#lidar #openstreetmap #maps #iphone #openaerialmap #cycling #infrastructure #urbanism #sydney #australia #betterstreets #opendronemap #odm #webodm

Somewhat aggrieved that I hadn't discovered the #QGIS multiple map canvas panels sooner. Makes interpreting #LiDAR that much easier. Some interesting linear features interacting with Bran/Brent Ditch around #Cambridge, totally absent from historic maps. #archaeology #gis #prehistory #medieval

La nouvelle #GeoRDP est en ligne avec plein de news interstellaires 🛰️ pour vous propulser gentiment vers la fin de semaine 🚀 :

👥 Contributeur/ices : GuilhemAllaman, @Data_Wax
, @aurelienchaumet , @dmontagne
, @GabPoujol , @geojulien , Maël Reboux

🌍 #LIDAR, #geOrchestra, #ANFR, @ThomasG77, #Copernicus, #wikipedia

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